Grace's Violet House

Meet Jess a 26-year-old woman from Yorkshire, UK. She is married to Adam and they have a daughter Grace. Despite her young age, Grace has already made a difference to many children and toddlers. She just doesn't know yet. Jess is a law and criminology student and specialised in disability rights. She has up and till April 2018 worked for the NHS. But sometimes things can change and having baby Grace made Jess think differently about her career. So she gave it a shot and decided to design baby clothes and accessories. Inspired by Grace of course. Us at Culture and Creativity is delighted, she wanted to share her story with all of us. Enjoy! When did you decide you wanted to try an start your own business? Whilst on maternity leave I began making bows for Grace, to pass a little time. I've always had a creative streak, I made all of our wedding stationary and centre pieces when I got married and did the same again when we christened Grace. I first began sewing when I...