Bunnies, toys, yoga…. Handmade…. Wellbeing…. Watch this space!

In this feature, I am happy to introduce you all to Charlotte. the owner of Cottontails Baby . She is a Herefordshire based woman in her 40s living pretty much in the middle of nowhere on a little small holding with two goats, seven runner ducks and – of course – the beloved Ralph, her house rabbit. She went to university in York and studied sociology. Since then she worked mainly in retail one way or another. Six years ago she went ‘back to school’ to train as a yoga teacher – and now her life is a mixture of yoga and Cottontails. Here's the interview: How did the idea for Cottontails come up? I had been working in retail since university, and didn’t really know where to take it. For several years I worked at Waterstone’s, the bookshop (I ran the children’s department in my branch – which I loved). I didn’t much fancy the ‘management track’ and moving around the country and eventually decided to take the plunge and open my own little high ...